The blog /vlog

My blog/vlog page hopefully entertains and even educates the readers and viewers. Stories about photography, about video and also some useful tips along the way.

There is a series of 5 minute video interviews with a variety of professionals that can help you navigate your business through this current Convid-19 crisis.

Liverpool Food Network

When asked by Liverpool Food Network’s Louise Kissack if I would like to help their members learn some skills photographing their food creations I jumped at the chance. I’ll be heading across to Liverpool’s Papercup Coffee shop on 6th February 2023.

I’ll be teaching the basics of composition, lighting and camera skills with both a mobile phone and a camera. The question is always finding the right balance, some people will have very little understanding of photography and others may want to teach me a thing or two. I’ll get down to honing my skills, always a good chance to catch up on your chosen profession.