Jonathan Talks about preserving your images
Jonathan today talks about what is the best way to preserve your treasured moments so that you, your loved ones and the generations to come can look at them with such fondness. You have your photographs taken, but how to store them, on a disc, on a USB drive? Just ask yourself, “will they be compatible be in the future years?” In this short video we see a wedding album from 1954, computers weren't available then to the general public then, but just think of how many formats computer systems have changed in such a short time.
Investing in a fine wall piece is an investment in your family, albums from a photo session, family celebration or a wedding can be kept and proudly displayed for all so see at your home and keep them for future generations to enjoy. Imagine sitting in your chair showing your great grand daughter photographs of yourself with your beautiful chestnut pony when your were just a teenager yourself. Fill your home with golden memories of your loved ones that you can glace across at and be swept back in time in an instant.
One of my clients earlier this year said “David and I are delighted and totally thrilled with the album and photographs. Your professionalism, skill and creativity must be second to none.we thank you for something that will give to us , our family and friends a great deal of pleasure over future years.”
It was great to receive such wonderful comments from one of my clients, it makes any amount of work worthwhile.